
Playbook: Release More Valuable Content Daily

How to create products (create → distribute → measure → repeat)

1. Release 100 content files

2. Find 1—10 that performed well (e.g. high conversion rate)

3. Create 100 files out of performing content files

4. Repeat


0. Remind why you create content

See Content Cheat Sheet → → →

1. Ideate — define content meta attributes

Create smart content by starting with Meta

See Content File Meta Specification [audience, promise, CTA, metrics, attributes] → → →

2. Create — produce content files in different forms

Choose the forms that fits the content well

Browse Content Forms (Sub-Atomic, Atomic, Aggregated) → → →

3. Distribute — share content files in different channels

Use the channels with the most relevant audience and feedback

See 10+ distribution channels → → →

4. Measure — find best performing content to repurpose

See analytics, improve strategy, repurpose best content. Find your best ~ 10% of content and repurpose it

How to measure performance of your content → → →

Momentum — Release more valuable content daily

Playbook | Cheat Sheet | Content File Meta | Content Formats | Distribution Channels | KPIs
