
Content Cheat Sheet

▶️ Release More Valuable Content Daily

Whom, Why, Where, How?

Whom to create for? (4 audiences CTIF)

Your customers (C): activate and retain [churned] → cold → warm → active → long-time user → referrer

Your team, partners, investors (T): improve operations with SOPs, monthly updates, roadmap+vision, public measurable KPIs/goals

Influencers/experts in your industry (I): gain trust, partnerships and distribution to grow faster

Other startup founders / creators: (F) expand startup network and improve delivery

ℹ️ Customers (C) and Team (T) are the primary audiences for your content. You can repurpose CT content for Influencers (I) and Startup founders (F) content.

Why to create content? (AARRR framework)

Acquire: educate audience, show what user can get with your service/product through tutorials and case studies

Activate: shorten time to value for users to onboard and get first result quickly

Retain: improve user experience based on data (analytics and surveys)

Refer: make beneficial and easy for your customers to bring new customers

Revenue: improve startup operations to operate efficiently (build in public)

Where to release and distribute content?

10+ channels:

See Distribution Channels → → →

How to measure content performance?

Typical metrics:

  • Number of unique impressions (views), quotations (retweets), comments
  • CTR — percentage of people who clicked on your content from the preview
  • Conversion Rate (percentage of people who performed desired action → signed up, paid, created post)
  • Retention (percentage of people who gets back to your content regularly)

See Metrics → → →

Content — any url/file in the Internet intended for a specific group of people (Target Audience)


Release — the announcement to the audience that some content is available


Productcontent that is valuable for a specific group of people (Target Audience)


Momentum — the moment of time when your content gains more measurable results from day to day


Momentum — Release more valuable content daily

Playbook | Cheat Sheet | Content File Meta | Content Formats | Distribution Channels | KPIs
