

▶️ Skip Intro, Release More Valuable Content Daily

Product is just a content that “performed well” on specific group of people

Every content file has some measurable goal (aka conversion rate).

Best content is simple to consume, practical to use and tempting to share.

Most of your content will fail to deliver value (99%).

The more often you create content, the more chances you have to create a well performing content=product.

Develop distribution channels: your product doesn’t exists without constant audience feedback

All your product goals require audience feedback:

🌸 attract audience interest in the noise of other media

👨‍🏫 explain what problem you solve (how is it useful for them)

🤩 make it easy for them to get started and get first results

🤝 make them use it for a long time

❤️ make them love it

You never know what works what not. You can’t decide it yourself (you are not target audience). Your audience decides what works.

If your daily work don’t involve your audience you drastically increase your chances of failure (like 1,000x times).

Spend 50% time on distribution: the content does not exist if not released

Releasing content takes time.

Plan significant time to demo and distribute all the content that you create.

Releasing is the essential part of your work. It’s not an afterthought.

Aim 50% for craft (creating content), 50% for distribution (demo and publishing)


Okay, I got it. Start creating → → →

Momentum — Release more valuable content daily

Playbook | Cheat Sheet | Content File Meta | Content Formats | Distribution Channels | KPIs
